The Global Leadership Profile

The GLP diagnoses the operating action-logics that drive your leadership. It also reveals how you can potentially transform your leadership action-logic to become more effective: in managing people; in helping them transform toward greater efficacy; and in co-leading team and organizational transformation toward greater agility and sustainability in the multi-cultural and ecological environments.

The Global Leadership Profile: An Overview

Each of us is enacting our life at work and at home through a certain characteristic way of interacting and inquiring with others. This is our center-of-gravity leadership action-logic.

We call the eight most characteristic leadership styles of acting and inquiring that adults exercise: Opportunist, Diplomat, Expert, Achiever, Redefining, Transforming, Alchemical, and Ironic.

Seven Levels of Leadership

The distinction between more common types of horizontal, skills-based leadership development and increasingly necessary, vertical, capacity-developing experiences for leaders is increasingly important. The vertical development process must be vertical both ways, or else it is mere sham and delusion – mere talking of a new talk. It is not merely a matter of developing ‘altitude’ or ‘headroom’ – a new awareness of contexts, uncertainties, and possibilities – a more panoramic view. It is also a matter of transforming one’s embodied, conversational processes in our on-the-ground, moment-to-moment organizing actions of each day.

Our GLP measure, of which of the seven leadership action-logics a client currently works from, does not merely result in a label we authoritatively pin on the client from on high: instead, the process invites the client to do his or her own leadership action-logic diagnosis.

Development to the later leadership action-logics cannot be inculcated from the top down or the outside in, but rather require a person’s deepest motivation and most inventive strategizing to blossom.

The Global Leadership Profile (GLP) invites you to respond to 30 sentence stems in an hour or less. Three weeks later, you receive a 400-word analysis of your approach to problem resolution; how you make sense of events.

This personalized analysis is at the center of a longer report that helps you understand:

  • your center-of-gravity action-logic,
  • your subsidiary and emergent action-logics,
  • the actions and inquiries on your part that will contribute toward more timely and transformational action within the web of family, work, and voluntary systems

If you wish to see if The GLP is right for you or your organisation now, contact us at Global Leadership Associates for an exploratory conversation.

If you know that you want to work with the Global Leadership Profile and you are ready to explore working with a coach or consultant who is trained to use the GLP. Find a coach or a consultant from one of our Certified Practitioners Worldwide.